Galois group

Given a field extension QK, its Galois group is

Gal(K|Q)={φ:KK, field homom such that φ|K=id}.

This field homorphisms are called Q-automorphisms.

The Galois group of a polynomial p(x)Q[x] is Gal(K|Q) where K is the splitting field of p(x).

If p(x)Q[x], αK and φGal(K|Q) then


so given a Q-automorphism of the splitting field of a polynomial p(x), it sends roots of p(x) in roots of p(x). Therefore


where n is the degree of the polynomial and Sn is the group of permutations (symmetric group). But not necessarily SnGal(K|Q), for example, consider x45x2+6. The splitting field is K=Q(2,3) and its Galois group cannot contain an element φ sending 2 to 3.

Therefore, we can understand the Galois group as an action on the space of the roots of the polynomial.
The Galois group of a polynomial is just Sn if the polynomial is irreducible. See this video