Semidirect product

Definition a remarks

We start with a proposition:
Let G be a group, N a normal subgroup and H a subgroup. The following are equivalent:

  1. There exists a group homomorphism ϕ:GH such that ϕ|H=id and Ker(ϕ)=N.
  2. It is satisfied that G=NH and HN={e}.

When any of those requirements is satisfied we write


When we have the context given by condition 1 or 2 we say that G is the semidirect product of N and H and we write G=NH.



Image from Mathematics for Physics, an ilustrated handbook, page 40.

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The product in G

The product in G takes a special form: given g=(n,h) and g=(n,h) then gg=(n¯,h¯) and




We can think in N as translations and H as rotations.

Key example

Suppose the group E(2) of isometries of the euclidean plane, or rigid motions. It is known that any element of E(2) can be seen as the composition of a translation (an element of R2) and a linear isometry (an element of O(2), that is, a rotation with centre at the origin or a reflection with axis through the origin). This decomposition is unique.

Moreover, translations are a normal subgroup of E(2): you can see it intuitively "moving things on a table" or by computation:




In general, if we now consider any subgroup H of GL(n) we can consider the subgroup G of GL(n+1)


It is easy to show that G is isomorphic to RnH (construct the map ϕ of the definition).

Conversely, given any group G=NH, with NRn and HH~GL(n), it can be shown that G is isomorphic to a subgroup of GL(n+1) of this form. Consider




Now it is easy to see that G is isomorphic to a subgroup of GL(n+1) with the form above by means of the map:


This map is a homomorphism. The product in G takes the form


and with a standard computation can be checked that


Moreover, the map is also injective, as it is easy to check.

Another approach

Within this approach we can create a group being the semidirect product of two given groups.

Definition. Let H and N be groups, and let ϕ:HAut(N) be a group homomorphism such that ϕ(h) defines a group action of h on N. The semidirect product NϕH is the Cartesian product N×H endowed with the multiplication operation


where ϕ(h)(n) denotes the action of h on n.

It can be shown that it is indeed a group.

About the Lie algebras

I think it can be proven the following proposition
Let G be a Lie group that is the semidirect product of a normal subgroup N and a subgroup H, i.e., G=NH. Then the Lie algebra g of G has a canonical decomposition as an Ad(H)-module given by


where n and h are the Lie algebras of the subgroups N and H, respectively.

The idea is: