Basis of a vector space

A useful observation is that for any vector space V of dimension n, giving a particular basis B is the same that choosing a particular isomorphism


In this context, the coordinates or components of vV are given by b1(v). Moreover, a basis change is identifiable with an element PGL(n,R) in the sense that bP is a new isomorphism of Rn into V. That is, if we have two basis b1,b2:RnV, the basis change is a P:RnRn such that


On the other hand, any transformation TGL(V) can be seen as a change of basis. If we fix a basis we have


We can define T~=b11Tb1 (basis change) and b2=Tb1 (new basis), so that we get


If we denote by BV the set of all the basis, what we have presented is a right group action of the general linear group GL(n) in BV.

This approach is important in principal bundle#Alternative approach and homogeneous space#Intuitive approach. It is generalized in general covariance and contravariance.

See also covariance and contravariance in linear algebra.