
It is the dual notion of product in categories.
Given two objects A and B in a category, their coproduct is another object C together with two morphisms i1:AC and i2:BC that satisfy the following universal property: if X is any other object in the category with morphisms f1:AX and f2:BX then there is an unique morphism g:PX such that f1=gi1 and f2=gi2

The coproduct is usually written as A+B and the arrows i1,i2 are called injections.

The main example of a coproduct is the disjoint union in the category of sets.

It could also be defined for an arbitrary family of objects.

For the relationship between product, coproduct, direct sum and direct product see \textit{Mathematics for Physics, an ilustrated handbook}, page 34.

Not to be confused with semidirect product.