Cauchy characteristic vector fields

Definition. Given an exterior differential system I, a Cauchy characteristic vector field (CCVF) is a vector field X such that XωI for every ωI.

Proposition. Cauchy characteristic vector fields constitute a Lie subalgebra of X(M) .

Proof. It can be shown using formula 4 in formulas for Lie derivative, exterior derivatives, bracket, interior product.


In @bryant2013exterior and page 30 and Barco thesis page 33 it is defined at a point xM the Cauchy characteristic space of an ideal I:



C(I)x=A(I)xTM=={ωΛ1(M)x:Xω=0 for all XA(I)}

This is called the retracting space at x, or the Cartan system of I (Barco, M. A. thesis, page 34).
The differential system defined by C(I) or, what is the same, the distribution A(I) is completely integrable (see @bryant2013exterior Proposition 2.1. page 31, although it can be concluded from Proposition above).

I think that A(I) is a generalization to exterior differential system of the associated distribution to a completely integrable Pfaffian system.
Observe that given a 1-form ωI, for every ξA(I) we have ξωI, so ξω=0 since the contraction is a 0-form, and they are usually not considered in exterior differential systems (if they are present, we can restrict to the manifold defined by its zeros). Therefore ωC(I) and


A Cauchy characteristic is an integral manifold of the retracting space. They are a special kind of integral manifold of the original EDS.