Classical Hamiltonian system

It is a symplectic manifold (M,ω) in which we have a prescribed a smooth function H called the Hamiltonian of the system.
In other words, a Hamiltonian system is a classical mechanical system in which the state of the system is described by a point in a symplectic manifold (M,ω), and the evolution of the system is determined by the Hamiltonian function H:MR. The Hamiltonian function generates one Hamiltonian vector field XH, whose flow represents the time evolution of the system. The dynamics of the system is then given by Hamilton's equations, which can be written in the form q˙=Hp and p˙=Hq, where (q,p) are local coordinates on M. The Hamiltonian function encapsulates all the information about the energy and forces of the system, and the symplectic form ω describes the underlying geometric structure that governs the evolution of the system.

It is important the notion of Hamiltonian symmetry.

In Poisson manifolds

A slightly more general idea of Hamiltonian system is given in @olver86 page 395. A system of first order ODEs is a Hamiltonian systems if there is a function H and a matrix of functions J coming from a Poisson bracket#In local coordinates such that the system can be written as


They are then generalized in @olver86 page 408 to the case


although not explicitly defined. I interpret that the vector field of the system is, in this case, t+XH.
A first integral of the Hamiltonian system is not a first integral of XH but a first integral of t+XH, that is, a function P(x,t) such that (t+XH)(P)=0, i.e.,


The function P(x,t) generates itself a Hamiltonian vector field XP, which depends on t as a parameter.