Curvature of a Cartan geometry

See @sharpe2000differential page 184.
Given a Cartan geometry (P,A) modeled on (G,H), the g-valued 2-form


is called the curvature of the geometry.

The structural equation of the Maurer-Cartan form of a Lie group is telling to us that a Klein geometry is flat.

On the other hand, the measure of how much Ω is not in h is called the torsion of a Cartan geometry.


Why is this called curvature? Only because it reminds the Cartan's second structural equation?

Idea to be developed further:
The Euclidean plane is flat, in the following sense. The Levi-Civita connection has a connection 1-form Θ (upon fixing a frame e={e1,e2}) satisfying:


The Cartan's second structural equations show that the Riemann curvature tensor (and then the Gaussian curvature) is closely related to the 2-form Ω=dΘΘΘ, so we conclude that the curvature is zero.

This flat connection induces a principal associated connection Θ~ on the orthogonal frame bundle, which, at the end of the day, is the same as the Klein geometry (E(2),O(2)). The associated principal connection, I guess, is also flat. I am not able to prove it, yet, but I don't mind for the moment (see here for a sketch). In any case, we again have


This principal connection is a o(2)-valued 1-form which is, in some sense, part of the Cartan connection (an e(2)-valued 1-form). In this case, the Cartan connection is the Maurer-Cartan form of E(2) ΘE(2), which of course satisfies


This last identity is true for any Lie group G. But what about (0) and (1)? I mean, in the general context of a Klein geometry (G,H) we have that it is flat, in the sense that


If the Klein geometry is reductive (as it happens with (E(2),O(2))) we have g=h+m, and then, to my knowledge, ΘG decomposes in an h-valued 1-form Θ~ and an m-valued 1-form. The form Θ~ provides a principal connection on the principal bundle GG/H. This principal bundle is a kind of frame bundle for G/H so we can consider a moving frame


and the connection 1-form Θ:=e(Θ~) . To try to end this, read first torsion of a Cartan geometry#Interpretation. I think the key idea is the update.

Old stuff
I suspect that the curvature of a Cartan geometry is related to the curvature of a connection, and so to the curvature of a distribution. And in this sense, it represents "the deviation of a parallel transported vector along a closed loop to belong to the horizontal distribution". The horizontal distribution would be, I think, an appropriate lifting of the tangent space of M... I have to think it more...

Idea to explore

(I have to review all this)
In this question on MO it is said that the torsion ρ(Ω) can be computed as
where A=ω+e, being ω the projection on h (a kind of "rotations") and e the projection on g/h (a kind of "translations"). Moreover, it is said that Ω=dω+ωω... This is what is called in @needham2021visual page 440 the Cartan's second structural equation.