Characteristic equation of a PDE
Probably is a particular case of method of characteristics...
The following discussion is made for first order homogeneous linear PDEs, but according to this entry of Wikipedia it can be generalized to any first order PDE (see section Fully nonlinear case).
Given a first order homogeneous linear PDE
We can consider a solution like "surfaces"
If we define the vector field
is called the characteristic system or characteristic equation, and their integral curves are called the characteristic curves of the original PDE. Solutions of the PDE are first integrals of the characteristic equation.
The ODE (2) is, for me, like a parametric expression of a line
Method of characteristic
I think that method of characteristics is usually called to what follows.
The line
We can think of this expression as the symmetric form of a line in space ("expresión continua de la recta en el espacio" in Spanish).
From here, in the case of linear algebra, we recover several planes whose intersection gives the line
In the differential context, we could recover an independent set of first integral if we were able to solve
The solutions are independent first integrals of the ODE or functions that generate functionally the solutions of the PDE.
In the general case, i.e.
Particular case
If in the PDE we look for solutions in the form of explicit functions
we get
which is the case for inhomogeneous linear PDEs.