1. First integral of a Pfaffian equation
The function
It is said that the 1-form is a Frobenius integrable 1-form.
This terminology is taken from Maple Help page for the command FirstIntegrals:
A real-valued function
or equivalently,
Alternatively, if
There is also a purely differential-algebraic meaning to counting the number of functionally independent first integrals for
be the derived flag of
Observe that the characterization
2. First integral of a vector field
Observe that a first integral of the vector field is a solution of the PDE
of which is its characteristic equation.
First integrals of a vector field are also called their invariants, and they serve to straighten the vector field: see canonical form of a regular vector field
3.a. First integral of a first order ODE system
(and therefore of a
It is a first integral
Solution curves (or their prolongations, if we are in higher order) are contained in
This is generalized to any system of DEs with the notion of conservation law.
3.b. First integral of an th-order ODE
Given an ODE
for a never vanishing smooth function
Equivalence with 3.a.
This definition is equivalent to the previous one, since if
and so
And conversely, if
and therefore
Relation to definition 1 above
In order 1, this 1-form is the only thing we have regarding the ODE, there is no more information. In higher order we have more data: the Cartan distribution. With this preliminaries we can assure:
There exist a pair
This result can be stated for any order
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4. First integral of a distribution
Given a distribution