Prolongation of a diffeomorphism

Consider a diffeomorphism of the total space of a smooth vector bundle E


We can define a transformation φ(k):JkEJkE following the same ideas as below .

Prolongation of a group action

[Olver 1986] page 98

Suppose a group G acting on a the total space of a smooth vector bundle


We are going to define a new action on the jet bundle.

Let gG, g:EE. Then we define


in the following way. Consider P=[s]xnJn(E) and p=π0(P)=s(x)E (see here the definition of π1).

Suppose we can shrink the domain of s to UM in such a way that the set g(s(U)) is the image of another section s~ (that is, s~(U~)=g(s(U))) and denote x~=π(gp). Then we define


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In coordinates

Anco_2002 page 62. I think is BETTER in xournal_041. Also in Mansfield_2010 page 32.