System of DEs


(@olver86 page 96)
A system S of n-th order differential equations in p independent and q dependent variables is given by a system of equations


with ν=1,, and being


We will denote by X×U the space for (x,u), which is a trivial vector bundle.

The function Δ=(Δ1,,Δ) will be assumed to be smooth


The system can be identified with a subvariety of the jet space also denoted by SJn(Rp,Rq). The jet space is also denoted by Jn(X×U).


A solution is a smooth function u=f(x) such that


for ν=1,, and for every x in the domain of f. The symbol pr(n)f refers to the prolongation of f up to order n.

This can be restated as: the graph of the prolonged function lies entirely inside the subvariety S.

And also in this way: the solutions are given by the integral submanifolds of the distribution ι(E), being ι:SJn the inclusion and E the Cartan distribution. This distribution is Vessiot distribution.

Symmetry groups

See this.

Conservation laws

See conservation laws

Particular cases: