Distribution (functional analysis)
Main idea: usual functions can be reinterpreted like acting over an special set of functions: the test functions (functions with compact support). So we can think of functions like something similar to covectors. But there are more operators than the usual functions: they are the distributions.
Let us define
Usually, the action will be denoted, for
Any locally integrable function
An important example of distribution, not really coming from a function, is the Dirac delta function
About the nature of distributions as sheafs: see this.
We also can define the derivative of a distribution. It would be convenient that for usual functions
where we have integrated by parts.
So in general we define
From this point of view it can be check that the Dirac delta is the derivative of the Heaviside function
Attention: value at 0 could be controversial.
At the same way that Dirac delta means evaluation at 0 of a test function, we can interpret that general distributions are "generalized points", or "matter distribution", or "bodies"; and the action over a function is "evaluate the function over that body". If the distribution have compact support I think we can choose any function, not only test functions.