Here is the composition of total derivatives corresponding to the multi-index , and is a smooth map usually called the characteristic or generating function (Lychagin).
Any vector field in the jet bundle
has an evolutionary representative, which is the evolutionary vector field with characteristic
How can we interpret this?
Consider a section of the original bundle. It can be prolonged to a section . The obtained section represents the original section together with "all its derivatives", and it is tangent to the Cartan distribution. Since preserves this distribution, the flow of , let's call it , sends to another section also tangent to Cartan distribution, so we can consider that it comes from a section .
For simplicity, suppose is a trivial bundle, and sections are identified with smooth functions . In this case an evolutionary vector field as the form
with a smooth function on for certain integer (a differential function).
In this context the section is identified with . Observe that the flow is, by definition,
But all this equations are satisfied if and only if the single equation is satisfied, as it can be checked.
In conclusion, an evolutionary vector field can be identified with the function . If you think of as a point in an infinite-dimensional space, is like a tangent direction for this point to flow through. The flow is obtained by solving the evolution equation