Exterior differential system EDS

Definition and notation

Definition (See Bryant_2002 page xii or @bryant2013exterior page 16). An exterior differential system (EDS) is a pair (M,E) consisting of a smooth manifold M and a homogeneous differentially closed ideal E of the graded algebra Ω(M) of differential forms on M.
Sometimes, an independence condition is required: a differential n-form Ω is singled out from Ω(M), in addition to E. It is denoted (E,Ω).

Almost always (see @bryant2013exterior page 13) E will be generated as an algebraic and differential closure of a finite collection of differential forms (not necessarily of the same degree which, on the other hand, could be 0) αA, 1AN. This EDSs are called of finite type.

Notation: given a set SΩ(M), Salg will denote the algebraic ideal generated by the elements of S. On the other hand, Sdiff will denote the ideal generated algebraic-differentially, that is, the differential closure of Salg. Then, if S={ω1,,ωk}


When the ideal E is algebraic-differentially generated by a finite set of 1-forms, we say this submodule is a Pfaffian system.

Integral manifolds

Definition. An integral manifold of an EDS E is a submanifold given by an immersion


such that ι(φ)=0 for all φE.
If the EDS had an independence condition Ω, then ι(Ω) is required to be nonvanishing.

On the other hand, an integral element of a EDS with independence condition (E,Ω) at a point xM is EG(n,TxM) such that α|E=0 for every αE and Ω|E0. They are candidates to be tangent spaces to integral manifolds.

An important notion is that of Cauchy characteristic vector fields.
It is also importan the notion of symmetry of an EDS and symmetry of a Pfaffian system.

Given an immersed submanifold we can define, locally, the pullback or restriction of the EDS. To define it in a global sense we need the immersion to be a closed map. See this MSE question.