
Consider Minkowski space with coordinates (t,X1,X2,X3). When we have a worldline with the particular form γ(t)=(t,X1,...) we can calculate the usual tangent vector vγ=(1,X˙1,...)T, and this is the classical notion of velocity. We will call it the "coordinate velocity".
Now, we can consider another inertial coordinates (s,Y1,Y2,Y3), obtained from the previous coordinates by means of the Lorentz boost Λ(v), and the coordinate velocity of the corresponding worldline


is vγ~=(1,Y˙1,...)T. It turns out that


so the coordinate velocity, since it depends on the chosen coordinate, is not a well-defined magnitude. We can start with the coordinate velocity in X and define it the other inertial coordinates as Λ(v)vγ, but the coordinate system X should not be a distinguished one...

The solution is to consider, for every event γ(t) in the worldline γ, a set of inertial coordinates (τ,Z1,Z2,Z3) obtained by applying to the coordinates (t,Xp)T the element of the Poincare group obtained by composition of the translation to γ(t) and the Lorentz boost in the direction given by the coordinate velocity (1,X˙1,...) ("comoving frame" or "instantaneous rest frame"). Suppose, WLOG, that the movement is made in the X1 direction only, so we have the Lorentz boost Λ(X˙1). The (puntual) coordinate velocity in this "distinguished" frame is (1,0,0,0)T, and we can rewrite this vector in any other inertial coordinates as Λ(v)(1,0,0,0)T. In particular, in (t,X1,X2,X3) is given by


It can be checked that in (s,Y1,Y2,Y3) this vector is transformed as


So we can use this expression to define a well-defined vector quantity, called the four-velocity.

Of course, this also works for more general Lorentz boosts, and it can be checked that the four velocity is


In practice, the four-velocity is usually defined as U=ddτγ=dtdγvγ.
This vector satisfies the normalization condition ηνμUνUμ=1.

With the usual units, we have ηνμUνUμ=c.

Related: four-momentum.