
[Kobayashi 1972]
For a manifold M the frame bundle FM is a GL(n)-principal bundle. Given a subgroup G of GL(n) we call a G-structure on M to a G-principal bundle P which is a subbundle of FM.

This is a particular case of reduction of group structure with respect to the inclusion GGL(n).
Indeed, according to Sternberg, Lectures on differential geometry:
A G-structure on an n-dimensional manifold M is defined as a reduction of FM to the group G.

Equivalence to existence of a section

When M and G are given, and G is a closed subgroup of GL(n) the existence problem becomes the problem of finding a cross section in a certain bundle. Since GL(n) acts on FM on the right, G also acts on FM. If G is closed the quotient FM/G is also a bundle, in particular is the associated bundle to FM with fibre GL(n)/G.
In @KobayashiNomizu1996 can be found:
Proposition 5.6. The structure group G of P(M,G) is reducible to a closed subgroup H if and only if the associated bundle E(M,G/H,G,P) admits a cross-section α:ME=P/H.
Remark The correspondence is 1:1.

See the example below.

Relation to tensors

If we have a tensor field defined in a manifold M it let us to define a subgroup G of GL(n) (the subgroup that leaves invariant the copy of the tensor in Rn) and a G-structure on M.

I suppose the converse is true: a G-structure let us define one or several tensor fields in M. The group G is possibly (I'm not sure) characterized by some tensors in Rn, Ti, of type (ri,si), which are their invariants. We can cover M with trivializing neighbourhoods of E, {Uα}, and select the G-frames corresponding to (x,e)Uα×G. Finally, we can define the tensor fields whose expression in this frames is given by Ti.

This is better understood in the example below.


The orthonormal frame bundle.
If G=O(n), a G-structure on M will be a principal bundle E such that for pM the fibre Ep is made of frames such that one can be obtained from other by means of an orthogonal transformation. The choice of the G-structure implies we are pointing out in every p a special kind of basis: the orthonormal ones.

On the other hand, FM/G consists of families of frames that can be transformed into others in the family by means of an orthogonal transformation (orbits of the action). So it is intuitively clear that a cross section σ:MFM/G (a choice of a family in every p) provides us with the same data that E (see orthonormal frame bundle).

At the same time, this is the same as providing the metric tensor. Once we know which frames are considered orthonormal, we can cover the manifold M with trivializing open sets for E, {Uα}. Then define the metric g like the one whose local expression in every Uα is g|Uαδij.

Relation to Cartan geometries

All these ideas are related to Cartan geometry. It seems (I'm not sure enough yet) like if a G-structure P on M together with a connection (a principal connection on P, that is, a g-valued 1-form with properties) is the same as providing to M a Cartan geometry modelled on $$
G\to \mathbb{R}^n \rtimes G
