[Kobayashi 1972] Definition
For a manifold the frame bundle is a -principal bundle. Given a subgroup of we call a -structure on to a -principal bundle which is a subbundle of .
This is a particular case of reduction of group structure with respect to the inclusion .
Indeed, according to Sternberg, Lectures on differential geometry: Definition
A -structure on an -dimensional manifold is defined as a reduction of to the group .
Equivalence to existence of a section
When and are given, and is a closed subgroup of the existence problem becomes the problem of finding a cross section in a certain bundle. Since acts on on the right, also acts on . If is closed the quotient is also a bundle, in particular is the associated bundle to with fibre .
In @KobayashiNomizu1996 can be found: Proposition 5.6. The structure group of is reducible to a closed subgroup if and only if the associated bundle admits a cross-section . Remark The correspondence is 1:1.
If we have a tensor field defined in a manifold it let us to define a subgroup of (the subgroup that leaves invariant the copy of the tensor in ) and a -structure on .
I suppose the converse is true: a -structure let us define one or several tensor fields in . The group is possibly (I'm not sure) characterized by some tensors in , , of type , which are their invariants. We can cover with trivializing neighbourhoods of , , and select the G-frames corresponding to . Finally, we can define the tensor fields whose expression in this frames is given by .
The orthonormal frame bundle.
If , a -structure on will be a principal bundle such that for the fibre is made of frames such that one can be obtained from other by means of an orthogonal transformation. The choice of the G-structure implies we are pointing out in every a special kind of basis: the orthonormal ones.
On the other hand, consists of families of frames that can be transformed into others in the family by means of an orthogonal transformation (orbits of the action). So it is intuitively clear that a cross section (a choice of a family in every ) provides us with the same data that (see orthonormal frame bundle).
At the same time, this is the same as providing the metric tensor. Once we know which frames are considered orthonormal, we can cover the manifold with trivializing open sets for , . Then define the metric like the one whose local expression in every is .
Relation to Cartan geometries
All these ideas are related to Cartan geometry. It seems (I'm not sure enough yet) like if a G-structure on together with a connection (a principal connection on that is, a -valued 1-form with properties) is the same as providing to a Cartan geometry modelled on $$
G\to \mathbb{R}^n \rtimes G