Geodesic flow

The geodesic flow on a Riemannian manifold is indeed a flow on the tangent bundle of the manifold, defined by the geodesics of the manifold.

More formally, given a Riemannian manifold (M,g), for each tangent vector v at a point p in M (that is, for each point in the tangent bundle TM), we can consider the geodesic γv(t) starting at p at time t=0 with initial velocity v. This defines a map ϕt:TMTM by ϕt(v)=γ˙v(t), which is the derivative of the geodesic at time t.

This map ϕt is the geodesic flow. It's a flow on the tangent bundle TM (considered as a differentiable manifold in its own right) which captures how geodesics on M evolve over time. For each fixed t, the map ϕt:TMTM is a diffeomorphism.

Intuitively, if we think of each point in TM as a "state" which consists of a position on M and a velocity vector, then the geodesic flow describes the "dynamics" on M where each state moves along the geodesic determined by its position and velocity.

Note that this flow is generated by a certain vector field on TM, called the geodesic spray. This vector field encodes the second order differential equation that geodesics satisfy (the geodesic equation).

An important thing to remember is that the geodesic flow is a global concept that requires the entire manifold structure to define, while the geodesic equation is a local differential equation defined using the metric in a neighborhood of each point.