
It is dual to frame on a manifold.
It is an ordered set of 1-forms {θ1,,θm} defined on an open set U of an m-dimensional manifold M such that they span the cotangent space TxM for every xU.

An ordered set {θ1,,θm} define a coframe if and only if


for every xU ([Olver_1995]).

A global coframe provides, therefore, an orientation and a trivialization o TMM×Rm, so it is also called absolut paralelism.

Generation of k-forms

A coframe {θ1,,θm} not only generate any 1-form, but also any differential k-form can be written as linear combination of k-fold wedge products:


See [Olver_1995] page 254.

Duality with frames

A frame on a manifold and a coframe are dual if they are dual basis for every xU. Given a coframe, the dual frame will be denoted by


Given coordinates (x1,xm) on the manifold, we have distinguished local frame and coframe denoted respectively by




Given a coframe {θ1,,θm} any k-form Ω can be written as a linear combination


In particular,


expressions which are called structure equations of the coframe and Tjki are called structure coefficients. These equations are the dual version of


([Olver 1995]). This relation is proved by the infinitesimal Stokes' theorem.


(where we are calling ej to θj):
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