Exponential map

Motivation and general construction

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Given a manifold M with a distinguished vector field X, and a point pM, we can wonder where will end a particle in p when dragged by X a time t. We can estimate this final point q with a "procedure" like this:

  1. we start at p and move a little along Xp. That is, we compute q1=p+tXp/10. This is, obviously, not defined, but we take a blind eye. Also, we denote it by q1=p(Id+tX/10). This notation is justified because X is, loosely speaking, an element of the Lie algebra of the "infinite dimensional Lie group" Diff(M) so we can think of Id+tX/10 as a little element of Diff(M) near to Id.
  2. we move a little from q1 along the direction of Xq1, that is, we compute q2=q1+tXq1/10=q1(Id+tX/10).
  3. We finish approximately in q after 10 steps.

Observe that, abusing of notation,


Of course, we have had better precision if we do this in more steps. In the limit (steps ) we would obtain the true output that we will denote by


and is nothing but the flow of X. (See also Lie algebra action. And Lie series.)

This is a very general construction, which allows you to find curves with a prescribed velocity.

Particular case: usual exponential function

What has to do with the usual exponential function and, moreover, with the number e? Suppose the manifold M=R and the vector field X given in canonical coordinates by Xx=x.
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Then the number e appears when we move from 1 a time 1 by means of that particular vector field.
That is, if you consider a curve α:RR such that α(0)=1 and its velocity at x is precisely x, then at time t=1 you will have arrived to position e.

Particular case: matrix exponential

This general construction can also be particularized to the case of matrix exponential. Suppose that the manifold is M=GL(2,R) (it s valid for an arbitrary GL(n), of course). So given any vector field XX(GL(2,R)) we can define etX as above.
But since in this case M is a Lie group we can focus on a vector field X which is a left invariant vector field. Then it takes the form (see this)


being AGL(2) (an invertible matrix) and BTIdGL(2) (an arbitrary matrix). When we compute eB what we are doing is to consider the corresponding left invariant vector field X and move along its flow a time t=1 from the point Id.

Particular case: any Lie group

Consider a Lie group G, and an element v in the Lie algebra g. Observe that, when we consider G acting on itself, every vector vTIdG gives rise to a left invariant vector field Vg associated to v:


Then, if we consider the flow ϕV of this vector field on G, we have a one-parameter subgroup of Diff(G) (we are assuming that it is a complete vector field, which is something proven here).
With this set up, the exponential map is defined by


and is usually also denoted by ev.

Since GDiff(G) we can wonder: is it, in fact, a one-parameter subgroup of G? Or in other words, does every diffeomorphism ϕV(t,) correspond to left translation by an certain element gtG?
The answer is yes. We can take gt=ϕV(t,e)G, and define ϕ~(t,m)=mgt. But we can show that


because of the uniqueness of the flow, since:


Particular case: Riemannian manifolds

If we have a Riemannian manifold (N,g) we have the exponential map for Riemannian manifolds:


How does it fit in this framework? If we consider the manifold M=TN and the vector field XX(TN) called the geodesic spray then we have, abusing of notation, P=(p,V)TN and it turns out that


Inverse relation with "differentiation"

It is important to note that ϕV(t,e)=etv. But this is obvious from flow theorem for vector fields#Important property. Indeed


Therefore we have


expression that I like to call inverse relation between exponential and differentiation at the origin. In a sense, is like saying that exponentiation is like an "integration process" (see the picture of the section Motivation).

Local diffeomorphism of the Exponential Map

Consider the exponential map


along with its differential at 0:


The differential is the identity map, which implies, by the inverse function theorem, exp acts as a diffeomorphism in a neighbourhood of 0g and eG. This neighbourhood is denoted as Ue. This ensures that the exponential map is always a local diffeomorphism at the origin of the Lie algebra. As a result, it sets up a local chart for a neighbourhood of the identity in the Lie group. neighborhood

Global Behavior of the Exponential Map

It's essential to note that while the map acts as a diffeomorphism locally, its behavior can be different when viewed globally. Specifically:

Product Representation in G

According to Proposition 1.24 in @olver86, any element gG can be expressed as a product of elements gi that belong to Ue. Formally, for any gG:


where each vi is an element of g.

Surjectivity of the Exponential Map

For a compact connected Lie group G, the exponential map is surjective.
The proof is intricate, see: