Gaussian curvature
Definition 1
The Gaussian curvature is the product of the principal curvatures:
In this sense, it is the determinant of the shape operator.
Picture from @needham2021visual page 136 (he calls it
Definition 2
It is the local area magnification of the Gauss map
(@needham2021visual page 132)
Sometimes it is called extrinsic curvature.
Definition 3
At a point
Equivalences of definitions (incomplete)
See this question and this answer in mathoverflow.
Proving that definition 1 and definition 2 are equivalents is easy. A visual aid is in @needham2021visual page 134
To visualize the equivalence of definition 2 and 3:
There is a physical "proof" of this fact which I learned from Mark Levy; it is in his book "THE MATHEMATICAL MECHANIC: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems".
Imagine that you keep the axis of a bicycle wheel and move it in such a way that the bicycle wheel lies in the tangent plane to the surface. In the initial position the wheel stays still; you go along a loop in the surface and stop. After that your wheel rotates by some angle α with respect to the initial position. If your loop was triangular this angle is its defect; this is definition 3.
The parallel motion does not rotates the wheel, so the same result will be the same if you only rotate the axis without moving the center of the wheel. This tells you that α depends only on the spherical image of the loop and from here it is easy to see that it is proportional to the algebraic area of the domain bounded by the spherical image of the loop. I.e., the area of the sphere that Gauss map traces out on a region; this is definition 2.
- Equivalence between 1 and 3 is done, visually, in @needham2021visual page 256.
- To compute it we can use the first fundamental form and the second fundamental form. Coming from notation here, we have
It is not strange that we use the second fundamental form if we take into account Definition 1 and Definition 2 (extrinsic definitions).
But surprisingly enough, it does not depend on the second fundamental form, is an intrinsic property! This can be observed in definition 3. This was stated by Gauss in his Theorema Egregium. This can also be concluded by (or it is used in) the local Gauss-Bonnet theorem.
Therefore, it can be computed only with the first fundamental form. In an orthogonal coordinate system (i.e.,
) we have:
Following notation introduced here it can be computed with
This is called the metric curvature formula. It is shown in @needham2021visual page 268, by using the holonomy#Local chart and the fact that the curvature is ultimately equal to the holonomy per unit area. But it also appears in @needham2021visual page 452 by using Cartan's method of moving frames.
- Gaussian curvature has a simpler expression in isothermal coordinates.
- Non orthogonal coordinates. According to Wikipedia page, we have the Brioschi formula
It is related to geodesics by means of Jacobi equation.
The total curvature in a region
coincides with the holonomy of the loop . See @needham2021visual page 246
Angular excess
I think that from the local Gauss-Bonnet theorem can be deduced, in a constant curvature surface:
If the surface is not of constant curvature for a point
This can be generalized to
Area excess
From Wikipedia.
Gaussian curvature is the limiting difference between the area of a geodesic disk and a disk in the plane
The particular case of a sphere: @needham2021visual page 20. Proof in general: @needham2021visual page 278.
Length excess
Gaussian curvature is the limiting difference between the circumference of a geodesic circle and a circle in the plane
The particular case of a sphere: @needham2021visual page 20, again. Proof in general: @needham2021visual page 278.
Relation to the curvature of a connection
What follows is a very informal annotation.
Consider a surface
The curvature of this connection (in the sense of performing the bracket of the vector fields of the horizontal distribution and then project to the vertical distribution) should be the same as the Gaussian curvature of the surface or, at least, be directly related. For example, observe that if the surface has non-zero Gaussian curvature, then parallel transports do not, in general, commute. This corresponds to the fact that
More formally
In a Riemannian surface
The curvature of the connection is a matrix of 2-forms
Gauss' Equation says that