Group representation or linear representation

It is an action of the group on a vector space by means of linear maps. It can be seen like a functor if we think of a group as a category.
Given a group G, a representation is then a homomorphism ρ:GGL(V) where V is a vector space. If we fix a basis we can say it is a matrix representation.

A vector subspace WV is G-invariant if ρ(g)vW for every gG and vW. It can lead to a subrepresentation or a quotient representation.

A representation ρ:GGL(V) is irreducible if it does not have non-trivial subrepresentations. Otherwise it is called reducible.

If the action of G on V{0} is transitive then the representation is irreducible.

Since ρ(G) is a subring of End(V) then V is a ρ(G)-module.

Related: spin representation.
Related: projective representation.
Important result: Schur's lemma.

Representations of SU(2)

There is exactly 1 irreducible representation of SU(2) in GL(n,C) for every nN. See this video. SU(2)
According to @baez1994gauge page 174, physicists call to the representation of SU(2) of dimension n the spin-j representation, with j=(n1)/2.
To reconcile this with the mathematician language: SU(2) is the spin group corresponding to SO(3). The representations of SU(2) of odd dimension (j=0,1,2,) descend to a representation of SO(3) (said in @baez1994gauge page 180) so they are not spin representations. But in the case of even dimension (j=12,32,52,), it doesn't descend, so it is indeed a proper spin representation.

Representations of U(1)

See @baez1994gauge page 171.
U(1) is the unit circle in the complex plane, group operation is multiplication.
We have the representations defined by


for nZ. These are irreducible because C (as a vector space) has no proper subspaces.

It turns out that every irreducible representation of U(1) on a complex vector space is equivalent to ρn for some n. To see it we use Schur's lemma and the fact that every complex 1-dimensional representation of U(1) is equivalent to certain ρn.