Hodge star

As explained in duality in exterior algebras, if we have a fixed volume form, for a simple k-vector w we have the (nk)-form


Reciprocally, to every k-form we can associate a (nk)-vector at this way.

In the presence of a metric, we can make use of this duality and then apply the musical isomorphism (raising and lowering indices). This is the Hodge star:

It turns out that given an isometry f:MN of Riemannian manifolds, then the Hodge star commutes with the pullback f of forms.

Alternative definition

The Hodge star operator in R4 with a pseudo-Riemannian metric maps a p-form ω to a (4p)-form ω, defined by:


where vol is the volume form, and α,β is the metric-induced inner product on forms (see @baez1994gauge page 88).

In an orthonormal frame

Exercise 69 in @baez1994gauge
Let M be an oriented semi-Riemannian manifold of dimension n and signature (s,ns). Let eμ be an orthonormal basis of 1-forms on some chart. Define the Levi-Civita symbol for 1ijn by

ϵi1in={sign(i1,,in)all ij distinct0otherwise.

Show that for any p-form




we have


In coordinates

From here.
Let X be a pseudo-Riemannian manifold of dimension D and metric g, and locally, on some open set UX, let


be a coframe. For example, if {xi} is a coordinate chart on U, then ei:=dxi can be such a coframe.

With this choice, any differential form αΩp(U) has a component expansion


where here and in the following we use the Einstein index notation.

In terms of these components, the Hodge dual α of α is expressed by the following formula:



R3 standard metric

The formula for the Hodge star operator might seem complicated, so consider an example. Take dx,dy,dz as a basis of 1-forms on R3 with its usual Euclidean metric and orientation. Then we have


and conversely


R3 with general metric

Another example, given a 1-form ω=ωadxa in R3 with a Riemannian metric gab, ω is a 2-form with components given by:


where ϵabc is the Levi-Civita symbol and |g| is the square root of the determinant of the metric tensor.

On the contrary, for a 2-form ω=ωabdxadxb we have


where ωab=gacgbdωcd.

M4, Minkowski space

For one-forms, the Hodge star operator acts as follows:


For 2-forms, acts as:


These results can be summarized in index notation as:


R2 with Lorentzian metric, i.e., M2

Consider R2 with the metric dt2dx2. The volume form on this spacetime is given by:


since |detg|=1 for the metric diag(1,1).
For a 2-dimensional spacetime, a 2-form is mapped to a 0-form under the Hodge star operator. The relationship is:


where (α,α) is the inner product induced by the metric. For dtdx, the inner product (dtdx,dtdx) is computed using the determinant of the metric restricted to the directions of the 2-form.

In our case, the metric determinant is 1, so:




