Horizontal cotangent bundle

In the context of the annotation vertical bundle, we can consider that in the dual bundle TE (the bundle "made of equations", see visualization of k-forms) we have the reciprocal version of this vertical bundle. There are equations (1-forms) which are "natural": those that define the vertical subspaces. Since they only use coordinates of the base space they constitute the "horizontal" cotangent bundle, and their sections are the horizontal 1-forms.

More info in xournal_117 and in @saunders1989geometry page 55-72.

In general, the differential forms of the total space of the fiber bundle π:EM whose contraction with any vertical vector field vanish is called an horizontal 1-form or semibasic 1-form (see Bryant_2002 page xiii or @saunders1989geometry page 72). Equivalently, they are those forms whose value at eE is the pullback via πe of a form at π(e)M.
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A stronger condition is that φ be basic. It means that φ is locally (in an open set) the pullback via π of a differential form on M.