Immersed manifold

It is a manifold M together with a differentiable map


satisfying df(X)0 if and only if X0 (and therefore it is a local diffeomorphism). It is also said that f is an immersion.

It is a weaker notion that embedded manifold.

This notion can be generalized to any codomain N (also a smooth manifold) instead of Rn. It is verified the canonical immersion theorem.

On the other hand, an immersed manifold does not necessarily give rise to a submanifold. We have to require that f be injective. An immersed submanifold would be a subset M of Rn such that it is a immersed manifold with the identity map. The differentiable structure of M, and in particular, its topology, has nothing to do with that of Rn.

Theorem (local embedding theorem). Given an immersion f:MN and a point pM there exists a neighborhood V of M such that the restriction f|V is an embedding.

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See @lee2013smooth Theorem 4.25