Integral manifolds: simple approach

Given a distribution D on M, a submanifold NM such that


is called an integral submanifold of D.

Integral manifolds: finer approach

An integral manifold of a distribution D is a submanifold NM such that


We say it is locally maximal if for every qN and a neighbourhood U of q, SU is not contained in an integral manifold of bigger dimension.

The distribution D always posses integral manifolds of dimension 1 (curves), but need not to posses integral manifolds of rank(D). Even more, it can have several locally maximal manifolds through the same point, even of different dimensions. But if D is involutive distribution then posses locally maximal integral submanifolds of rank(D).

In the case of Pfaffian systems

Since Pfaffian systems are a kind of dual to distributions, they have integral manifolds, also.
An integral manifold is a submanifold immersion


such that ι(φ)=0 for all φP.