Jet space or jet bundle

Note. In some texts the notation Jn(Rp,Rq) is used to mean what here we denote by Jn(Rp×Rq) being Rp×RqRp the trivial bundle.

First approach

Let π:EM be a smooth vector bundle, with dim(Ex)=q. We can interpret it as M being a manifold of independent variables and sections of π as functions on M. The set of sections forms a C(M)-module.

Two sections s,s~ are said to be k-equivalent at a point xM if their graphs are tangent to each other with order k at s(x)=s~(x)E. By "their graphs are tangent" we mean that if we express the sections as functions f and f~ in a local trivialization, the partial derivatives of f and f~ at x coincide up to order k. This fact does not depend on the chosen trivialization.

The equivalence class of s, denoted by [s]xk is called the k-jet of s at x, and the collection of all the classes, Jk(E)x, is the jet space at x. Finally, we can construct a bundle


In this bundle we have special coordinates called the derivative coordinates. Let (U,u) be adapted coordinates on E, with u=(xi,uα). The derivative coordinates induced by (U,u) are (U~,u~) where

The dimension of Jk(E) is


If PJk(E)x, with P=[s]xk, we define π0(P)=s(x)E. See example 2.24 in @olver86.

The sections of Jk(E) of the form


being s:ME a section, are called holonomic sections or k-graphs (see @bryant2013exterior page 23 Theorem 3.2.), or kth-order jet prolongation of s, and will be denoted by jks.

The jet space or jet bundle Jk(E) has a natural distribution called the Cartan distribution.

Infinite jet bundle

The infinite jet space J(E) is defined as the inverse limit of the inverse system


In this case, Cartan distribution is involutive (see wikipedia) and its dimension agrees with dimM. We get a decomposition of TJ(E) in a vertical bundle (the subspace of TpJ(E) tangent to the fibre) and an horizontal one (the subspace belonging to the Cartan distribution). This decomposition induces a similar decomposition in the cotangent space TJ(E), and also in the ring of differential forms Ω(J(E)) giving rise to the variational bicomplex.

Second approach: Sketch of the formalization a la Olver for the extended jet bundle

Locally, any pair of submanifolds of a manifold M of the same dimensions is given by the graphs of smooth functions f and f~ (with independent and dependent variables between them of M). These functions are said to be k-equivalent at xM if there is a coordinate chart such that the partial derivatives at x coincide up to order k:


This idea is independent of the coordinate chart, and therefore we can define an equivalence relation between submanifolds being tangent up to order k at x. The equivalence class [N]xk is called a jet. The union of all jets at x is the jet space at x, Jk(M)x and the jet bundle is


See @olver86 page 218 for more details. There he doesn't treat the case of sections of bundles but the construction let define the extended jet bundle (something like a projective version).

Third approach: Sketch of the formalization of Wikipedia


for j=0k. The equivalence class of f is denoted by [f]xk and is called the k-jet of f.


This is like saying that curves α and β have k-order contact. The equivalence class of α is denoted by [α]xk and is called the k-jet of α. We will denote by


(f\circ \gamma) E^k_x (g\circ \gamma)
