Lie derivative of forms

Let X be a vector field and ϕ its flow. Let α be a p-form, we define:


in the sense that


More explicitly:
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If we define vector fields Yi extending the previous vectors in a invariant way respect to the flow ϕ, that is, Yi(ϕtx)=ϕtYi then


That is, the Lie derivative of a p-form measure the rate of change along the flow of X of the p-form applied to invariant vector fields along X.
It can be generalized to Lie derivative for tensors in general.

Useful formulas: formulas for Lie derivative, exterior derivatives, bracket, interior product.

A differential k-form ω on M is invariant under the flow of a vector field X, i.e.,


if and only if LX(ω)=0

See @olver86 proposition 1.65.

Especial case: the Lie derivative of a volume form leads to the idea of divergence.