Pfaffian equation

It is a Pfaffian system generated by a single 1-form, {ω}, in a manifold M. Usually it is denoted by




Pfaff's problem is to determine its integral manifolds of maximal dimension (@bryant2013exterior page 15).

If the Pfaffian system is completely integrable then the 1-form is called Frobenius integrable. It is a weaker condition that being closed. That is, a 1-form is Frobenius integrable if there exists μ such that μω is closed. The function μ is an integrating factor.
To solve a Pfaffian equation it is usually used a property of the wedge product.


The integer r defined by


is called the rank of the Pfaffian equation, or Pfaff rank of ω. It depends on the point xM. In the case of constant rank it can be applied the Pfaff-Darboux theorem.