Pfaffian systems


Following @bryant2013exterior page 43, it is an exterior differential system E algebraic-differentially generated by 1-forms {α1,,αr}. It can be identified with the finitely generated C(M)-submodule P=S({α1,,αr}) of Ω1(M) (according to @conmorando page 4 or @PaolaPfaffian), since we can recover E by remixing αi with and d.

If the Pfaffian system is generated by only one 1-form ω, it will be called a Pfaffian equation.

Completely integrable Pfaffian systems

The 2-forms

dαi mod (α1,,αr)

are important in order to understand the system. The Pfaffian system is called completely integrable when it is also algebraically generated (not only algebraic-differentially generated) by the 1-forms {α1,,αr}. In this case we have

dαi=0 mod (α1,,αr)

From the "point of view of Paola", if we call Pfaffian system to the submodule P, it will be completely integrable if the ideal algebraic-differentially generated by P (which is E) is equal to the ideal algebraically generated by P. Or, in the notation here, Palg=Pdiff.

Another way of saying that it is completely integrable is requiring that the derived system

P:={βP:dβ=0 mod P}

satisfies P=P.

At the beginning I thought (because of the approach of @warner) that a Pfaffian system was a finitely generated C(M)-submodule P of Ω1(M):


with θα independent. And I thought that it was called completely integrable when the ideal I(P) of Ω(M) is a differential ideal. At the end, a completely integrable Pfaffian system is the same from both points of view.

Integral manifolds

They have integral manifolds, according to Frobenius theorem dual version.

Dual distribution

A dual characterization of P is the subbundle D of TM consisting of tangent vectors which are annihilated by θαP, that is,


This is a distribution (see dual description of the distribution).

Linear Pfaffian system

Consider a Pfaffian system E={θα}diff with independence condition Ω=ω1ωn. We define J:={θα,ωi}. The Pfaffian system will be called linear if

dθα0 mod J

and is usually denoted by (I,J) where I is the subbundle of TM associated to I.

The integral elements are determined by linear equations (I should work out an example, see example 3 in @landsberg1997exterior).

Two very important examples

Ordinary differential equations

It turns out that every ODE and, moreover, every system of ODEs, is a completely integrable Pfaffian system on a jet bundle. Indeed, they are rank 1 (hence involutive) distributions, which are trivially involutive. And involutivity is equivalent to complete integrability.
For example, the ODE u3=ϕ(x,u,u1,u2) is encoded in the exterior differential system generated by


and defined on UJ3(R,R). This is equivalent, by pulling back locally with ι:(x,u,u1,u2)(x,u,u1,u2,ϕ), to the Pfaffian system


defined on VJ2(R,R).
Observe that


d(du_1-u_2 dx)=dx\wedge du_2=dx\wedge(du_2-\phi dx),


d(du_2-\phi dx)=dx\wedge (\phi_xdx + \phi_udu+\phi_{u_1}du_1+\phi_{u_2}du_2)=

=\phi_u dx\wedge(du-u_1 dx)+\phi_{u_1}dx\wedge(du_1-u_2 dx)+\phi_{u_2}dx\wedge(du_2-\phi dx).

### Partial differential equations A PDE or a system of PDEs can be seen as the exterior differential system given by $\left\{\Delta=0, \theta_J \right\}$ where $\theta_J$ are the contact forms, and defined on an open subset of $J^n(\mathbb{R}^p,\mathbb{R})$. We can restrict, locally, to $\Delta=0$, and pull back the contact forms, obtaining Pfaffian system which, unlike in the case of ODEs, is not necessarily completely integrable, and not necessarily defined on a jet space. This Pfaffian system is a distribution called Vessiot distribution.