A connection on a principal-bundle , with , is a -dimensional distribution (named horizontal distribution)
on such that the following conditions hold for every :
, where .
, for every , and being the right action of in
Here is the vertical bundle.
The simplest example of a connection is the trivial connection on the trivial bundle , that is, $$H_{(m,g)} P=T_m M \subseteq T_{(m,g)} P.$$
Connection 1-form
It can be shown ([Vakar 2011]), without much difficulty, that a connection can be alternatively defined as a 1-form , being the Lie algebra of , that satisfies:
, for every and being the fundamental vector field of
For every the following diagram commutes:
being the adjoint representation of . This can be written
Observe that given the horizontal distribution we can construct the associated 1-form by projecting every vector to and identifying the latter with by using the Maurer-Cartan form and any trivialization (see [Belgun 2020] for more details). Conversely, given a connection by the 1-form , we recover the horizontal distribution by means of
But connections can be characterized in one more way. Given an atlas for the -bundle and the connection defined by , we can use the collection of distinguished local -frames (local sections) (see principal bundle#Alternative approach) to define the family of local 1-forms
where denote , being the Maurer-Cartan form. Every is called a Yang-Mills field (see [Schuller 2013] page 185).
Reciprocally, any collection , being an atlas for the bundle , defines a connection on it if satisfies condition (!) (see [Marathe 1992] for a proof).
The idea behind Yang-Mills fields is what follows. The local section is a moving frame, that is, a choice of a -frame for every point . The 1-form evaluated on a vector tells us how the frame varies when we move in the direction (assuming the notion of derivative provided by the connection ). But this "variation" is measured in terms of elements of .