Riemannian metric (or pseudo-Riemannian)
(@sharpe2000differential page 238)
A pseudo-Riemannian metric on a smooth manifold
The metric is called Riemannian if the associated bilinear forms are positive definite.
Another definition:
Equivalently, following notation in \cite{malament}, we can say that a (pseudo-Riemannian) metric is a smooth field
It is usually called pseudo-Riemannian or pseudo-metric if is not definite positive.
In the note dual vector space can be seen how to construct the inverse. It requires the non-degenerate condition of the metric. In fact is equivalent.
The inverse field is also symmetric:
We can watch it in diagrammatic notation:
It has associated a particular vector bundle connection in
Every manifold can be equipped with a Riemannian metric.
(This is related to the extension and reduction of a principal bundle)
We can endow
This is clearly symmetric;
Interestingly, not every manifold admits a pseudo-Riemannian metric, see this MSE question.