See wikipedia. Definition
Let be a smooth manifold, and a Lie group. Let be a fiber bundle with structure group (see G-bundles). Suppose that acts transitively on the standard fibre , and that . (By the way, the standard fibre would be a homogeneous space).
A soldering of to consist of:
A distinguished section .
A linear isomorphism of vector bundles
from the tangent bundle of to the pullback of the vertical bundle of . This is called the solder form.
The intuition behind this notion is represents putting a copy of a homogeneous space on every point of , and the soldering tell us a point of contact for every with the homogeneous space and an identification of the tangent spaces.
Principal bundles
See Wikipedia, down to "principal bundles" section.
Suppose that has dimension and is a group which acts on (i.e., we have a group representation of ). A solder form on a -principal bundle over is an -valued 1-form which is horizontal (in the sense that for a vertical vector) and equivariant
for ; so that it induces a bundle homomorphism from TM to the associated bundle. This is furthermore required to be a bundle isomorphism.
The reason for the name is that a solder form solders (or attaches) the abstract principal bundle to the manifold M by identifying an associated bundle with the tangent bundle.
The main example is the canonical solder form of the frame bundle, which sends a tangent vector to the coordinates of with respect to the frame .