Solder form

See wikipedia.
Let M be a smooth manifold, and G a Lie group. Let EM be a fiber bundle with structure group G (see G-bundles). Suppose that G acts transitively on the standard fibre F, and that dimF=dimM. (By the way, the standard fibre would be a homogeneous space).
A soldering of E to M consist of:


from the tangent bundle of M to the pullback of the vertical bundle of E. This is called the solder form.

The intuition behind this notion is E represents putting a copy of a homogeneous space on every point of M, and the soldering tell us a point of contact for every x with the homogeneous space and an identification of the tangent spaces.
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Principal bundles

See Wikipedia, down to "principal bundles" section.

Suppose that M has dimension n and H is a group which acts on Rn (i.e., we have a group representation of H). A solder form on a H-principal bundle P over M is an Rn-valued 1-form θ:TPRn which is horizontal (in the sense that θ(V)=0 for V a vertical vector) and equivariant


for hH; so that it induces a bundle homomorphism from TM to the associated bundle P×HRn. This is furthermore required to be a bundle isomorphism.

The reason for the name is that a solder form solders (or attaches) the abstract principal bundle to the manifold M by identifying an associated bundle with the tangent bundle.

The main example is the canonical solder form of the frame bundle, which sends a tangent vector XTpP to the coordinates of dπp(X)Tπ(p)M with respect to the frame p.