Some basic definitions

Definition 1. A tangent vector V at pS is an equivalence class of curves γ:[a,b]S such that γ(a)=p, where two curves γ1 and γ2 are equivalent if their derivatives at t=a are equal, i.e., γ1(a)=γ2(a). Also, it can be defined as an operator from C(S) to R


Definition 2. The tangent vector space TpS is the set of all tangent vectors at p. It is a vector space, with the addition and scalar multiplication of tangent vectors defined pointwise, and zero vector given by the equivalence class of the constant curve at p.

Definition 3. The differential of a map F:SRm at a point pS is a linear map dFp:TpSRm defined as follows: for any tangent vector VTpS, we define dFp(V) as a vector whose action on a function g in C(Rm is


(observe that gFC(S)).

With all this three ingredients, you have that dFp is linear since




Steps on the abstract definition of tangent vector:


Related notions:
projectable vector field
f-related vector fields
complete vector field
Killing vector field

Important properties:
the canonical form of a regular vector field,
the canonical form of commuting vector fields and
the flow theorem for vector fields.