Weingarten map

(Generalization to hypersurfaces: Gauss' Equation#For hypersurfaces.)
(Better explanation in second fundamental form#Generalization to surfaces in 3-dimensional manifolds via moving frames.)

For immersed surfaces in R3

It is the differential of the Gauss map N:


For every p, dNp transforms a little circle in TpS in an ellipse in TN(p)S2, and is an useful way to measure extrinsic curvature. Indeed, since dNp(X) measures how it changes N(p) in the direction X (think of dNp(X)=ddt(NαX(t))) and N(p) has constant module equals to 1, it turns out that dNp(X) is orthogonal to Np itself, so dNp(X)Tf(p)f(S). So we can think about the Weingarten map as


It let us to speak about principal directions and principal curvatures (see the picture below obtained from a Youtube video):
Pasted image 20211005072900.png

From the Gauss map we can define the normal curvature of an immersed surface.

The Weingarten map is related to the shape operator.