Global Gauss-Bonnet theorem

It is the global version of local Gauss-Bonnet theorem.

Given a closed orientable surface (I think it should be immersed in R3) S of genus g, the total curvature


where K is the Gaussian curvature, satisfies


The quantity


is the Euler characteristic.

It means that given any closed orientable surface, if we deform it in the way we like (even stretching and twisting), if we get an increase in Gaussian curvature in a point, the curvature must be decreasing in other points in order to compensate the total curvature.

Visual idea:
(@needham2021visual pages 169-172)
In a sphere, or in any other topologically equivalent surface, the total curvature is 4π, since the unitary normal vector fill S2 exactly once.
In a torus is 0, since the external side of the torus counts for 4π but the internal one add 4π, since the Gauss map reverse orientation in these points.
In the general case of a compact surface:
Pasted image 20220525072121.png