Hamiltonian vector field

Given a smooth function f defined on a symplectic manifold (M,ω) we can define a vector field Xf, corresponding to the 1-form df by means of the duality provided by the symplectic form. It is also called the symplectic gradient of f. It is defined as the vector field which satisfies


How it is applied to another function g? It is satisfied that


An this is precisely the definition of the Poisson bracket, i.e., Xf(g)={g,f}. So Hamiltonian vector fields have the form {,f}. Therefore they can also be defined in Poisson manifolds.

A Hamiltonian vector field is a particular case of a symplectic vector field, so is the generator of a 1-dimensional symplectic group action and, in particular, a Hamiltonian group action.

A Hamiltonian vector field gives rise to a 1-parameter local group of transformations, and this parameter has usually a physical interpretation. For example, for f=H, the energy of a system, the parameter is t, the time. If f=p, the momentum, then the parameter is x, the position.

Symplectic foliation of a Poisson manifold

In the context of a Poisson manifold M, the relation of the Poisson bracket with the Lie bracket is telling to us that the set of Hamiltonian vector fields constitute an involutive distribution on M. The resulting foliation is called the symplectic foliation of M.



Consider the matrix


which is the Jacobian of the function F=(X1,X2,,X2n)

Then X is a Hamiltonian vector field if and only if


for every pair of vectors u,vR2n