Inverse Scattering Method
See @Aktosun_2009. And also INVERSE SCATTERING TRANSFORM, KdV, AND SOLITONS by Aktosun, too.
The inverse-scattering method is different in the details for different equations. Hence there is no such thing as “the” inverse-scattering method.
The inverse scattering transform (IST) is a powerful mathematical technique used primarily to solve certain nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). It is closely related to the Fourier transform, but it generalizes the concept to handle nonlinear problems.
Here it is an scheme of how it works:
Given a PDE with initial condition
We can study how the scattering data evolves along time, obtaining
1. Direct Scattering Transform (DST)
Given a potential (or inhomogeneity) and an incident wave, the DST produces the scattering data (reflection and transmission coefficients).
For a particle in a potential
We can interpret
- The first term represents an incoming wave.
- The second term represents a reflected wave with reflection amplitude
This represents the transmitted wave with transmission amplitude
The probability of reflection,
To find
Usually this problem is solved using something called Jost solutions.
2. Time evolution of the scattering data
It is performed by means of the time evolution of the Jost solutions.
3. Inverse Scattering Transform (IST)
Given the scattering data, the IST reconstructs the potential. This is a more challenging problem, analogous to reconstructing an object's shape just by looking at its shadow.