Jacobi last multiplier

(A related notion is that of a inverse Jacobi multiplier).
Given a vector field XX(M) on a n-dimensional manifold M with a distinguished volume form Ω, a Jacobi last multiplier (JLM) is a smooth function f such that fX has null divergence, i.e. , LfXΩ=0.
In the particular case of Rn with the standard volume form and X=kXkxk we get the expression:


or equivalently




From here, if X is a divergence free vector field, f is a Jacobi multiplier if and only if is a first integral of X. Of course, f=1 would be one of them.
If f1,f2 are two Jacobi multipliers, then f1/f2 is a first integral of X:


Alternative definition:
Since for any volume form we have


(see here) we can alternatively define a Jacobi last multiplier like a coefficient for the volume form such that with this new volume form the vector field is divergence-free. Of course, this is clearly equivalent to saying that the modified volume form fΩ is invariant with respect to X, since LX(fΩ)=0.

Another equivalent characterization is what follows: f is a JLM for X with respect to Ω if there exists a (n2)-form σ such that


which is equivalente, in a local sense, to requiring fXΩ to be closed (by Poincare lemma). This is because of the identity (for n-forms)


If we fix a function f on the manifold (M,Ω), the vector fields X admitting f as a JLM constitute a real Lie algebra. This follows from the formula


Jacobi's theorem

When X is the vector field of a system of ODEs of first order x˙i=Xi then:
Theorem (Jacobi) (see Berrone_2003)
Given n2 first integrals Φ1,Φ2,,Φn2 of the vector field X reduced in such a way that x1 does not appear in Φ2, x1,x2 do not appear in Φ3 and so on; then the integrating factor of the final reduced system of ODEs with xn1 and xn will be given by


in which M is a Jacobi last multiplier in the sense of (1).

Theorem (general version):
There is a version in Muriel_2014 that says that if the n2 first integral are "not so good" then the integrating factor is


where (y1,,yn)(x1,,xn) is the Jacobian determinant of the change of variables


Proof: I think the proof has to do with this lemma.

Also, I have a version of the statement and the proof in xournal_147.

In the particular case of the vector field A the associated to the mth order ODE


a Jacobi last multiplier must satisfy


My personal researchs on JLM are in ideas about JLM.