But we don't always have that . Now, if , i.e., is idempotent, the previous formula holds: for every we have that and conversely, for we can take such that
More generally, we have Proposition
If is such that , we have
First, let's observe that is an isomorphismm. This is so because it is surjective and dimensions are equals.
We can construct an isomorphism at the following way:
where is such that ( exists because ).
It is easy to prove injectivity and surjectivity. Only rest to show that is well defined. Let us suppose that, for we get such that . Then, since the restriction of is an isomorphism, .
At the same way, we can prove the following proposition Propostion
For any endomorphism there exists such that
Observe that
And therefore, there exist such that .
At this point, we only have to apply the previous proposition to the transformation .
Now, we are ready to show the Jordan canonical form. Let be a complex vector space, and . If is decomposable, we take a decomposition , with (invariant subspace) and proceed with every . So assume is indecomposable.
Consider such that . It exists, because we can choose a
basis and contruct the polynomic equation , and is algebraically closed. So, for certain , as, at least, dimension 1. Moreover, observe that is the only (possibly multiple) solution to the previous polynomial equation
We define , and apply the previous proposition, so we get
for .
Since is indecomposable and (since ) we have that , and therefore is the null transformation and is \emph{nilpotent}. Let be the nilpotency index, and such that but .
We can show that is a basis for . First, observe that they are independent because if
we can apply several times to show that every .
And second, we can show that they span . In fact, let . Observe that:
, since .
, since . Therefore, , because and so .
and therefore . In fact,
In general, .
Since and is, by hypothesis, indecomposable, we conclude that .
It only rests to show the form of the matrix of respect to the basis . But because of the facts of the above enumeration we conclude that
In conclusion: For any endomorphism of we can find a partition of -stables vector subspaces of .
In each of one, has the form of the matrix above (in a particular basis). This is so because, either is a escalar matrix () or is nilpotent, and for nilpotent operators we have the special basis .
By the way: it there exists other decomposition in -stables subspaces, but not satisfying that matrix form.