Left invariant vector field

Consider a Lie group G acting on itself. Every vector vTeG gives rise to a vector field V associated to v:


which satisfies


All the vector fields satisfying (1) this are called left invariant vector fields, and the set of all of them is the Lie algebra g of G. Observe that there is a one-to-one relation


The left invariant vector fields, or the right invariant ones, are the fundamental vector fields in the case of G acting on G.

Matrix groups

In this case of, for example GL(2), they take the form


being AGL(2) (an invertible matrix) and BTIdGL(2) (an arbitrary matrix).
Proof. Given BTIdGL(2), the corresponding left invariant vector field is, by definition


If B is associated to the curve γ(t) such that γ(0)=Id,γ(0)=B then
