Lie algebra action

Particular case of this (I think): Lie algebra representation.
The action of a Lie algebra g on a manifold M is a Lie algebra homomorphism


such that the map


defined by


is smooth.

Given the group action of a Lie group G on M it induces a Lie algebra action via fundamental vector fields. But I think that the converse is not true. I guess there must be problems of "completeness". Maybe this is related to the notion of pseudogroup or local group of transformations (are they the same?).

Infinitesimal action

A Lie algebra action is also called an infinitesimal action. Why?
Let's consider the Lie algebra action induced by a Lie group action of G over a manifold M. Given Vg we can identify it, loosely speaking, with


if δ is small. In the same way, if XV is the fundamental vector field on M then for pM we can imagine the point q that results of adding to p a bit of XV(p), that is,


We can think of all of this as the action on M of elements of G that live very near to the identity element, that of course when applied to pM yields elements of M that live near p.

Recovering of the group action

Surprisingly, the infinitesimal action let us recover the group action. Intuitively it goes in this way. Define


We can apply the idea of "adding a bit of XV" successively, with smaller and smaller δs. This way


This is strongly related to exponential map#Motivation.

I think that this can be seen in the particular case of a matrix Lie group/ matrix Lie algebra as relation between the determinant and the trace.


Let's see an example

When you have a relatively complicated active coordinate transformation, for example


we can change θ by a small δ and take approximation to first order in δ

So you can replace cos(δ) with 1 and sin(δ) with δ, first order approximation. So we obtain


That can be rewritten as


This is justified because


To understand this a bit more, let us restrict to R2 but with a general transformation Fλ:R2R2, and being λR a parameter. It could be think as an action of the group (R,+) over R2. So, for every λ:


being F0=id.
Since R2 is an affine space we can take the vector (Fλ1(x,y),Fλ2(x,y))(x,y). As a first order approximation we would assume:


so the transformation, for a small λ, could be considered as


The approximation taken in \ref{aproximacion} could be interpreted like a Taylor expansion, since


as most physics books do.

Several considerations:


we can identify X with a matrix also named X and


(the LHS is the general exponential map and the RHS is the matrix exponential map).
For dim(M)=1 we recover the usual exponential map in R.
