Lie groups
Definition and some properties
A Lie group is a manifold
Some interesting elementary properties:
The identity component
First, a connected component is always closed. And it is a submanifold.
Second, given
by left multiplication. But since
Also, given
is a homeomorphism, so since
And finally, since the map
is an homeomorphism of
Two key results for the classification of Lie groups are:
Every Lie group has connected components diffeomorphic to the normal subgroup of the identity component.
Every connected Lie group
The following is a general result used in the context of covering groups:
such that
And so
Lie algebra and Lie groups correspondence
called left and right multiplication respectively.
A vector field in
We have that:
Theorem(Lie's third theorem). Every finite-dimensional real Lie algebra is the Lie algebra of some simply connected Lie group.
And it can be shown that if two simply connected Lie groups have the same Lie algebra, they are isomorphic.
Given two groups with isomorphic Lie algebras you can only infer that they are isomorphic in some neighborhood of identity. Moreover, they would have the same universal covering group, so both are quotient of the same group by a discrete subgroup.
Proposition. A connected Lie group is abelian if and only if the Lie algebra is abelian (see this).
Proposition. A connected, one-dimensional Lie group
Corollary. Every connected 1-dimensional Lie group is commutative.
Parallelizable manifolds
A Lie group is a parallelizable manifold. The tangent spaces at different points can be identified using left translations, so we have
They all are abelian groups. They are translations. -
They are lie groups only in this three cases. They are the real numbers, the complex numbers and quaternions respectively. -
, , , general linear group. -
. Special linear group.
Matrices of rank 2 whose determinant is 1. Inside it we have three subgroups:
It can be shown that every element of
This is called Iwasawa decomposition. From here can be concluded that
. Special linear group.
Matrices of rankwhose determinant is 1. It is a manifold of dimension . Geometrically, it corresponds with the volume and orientations preserving transformations of . -
, the affine group. -
, the Euclidean group. -
and , see orthogonal matrix.