Coming from general relativity. Definition. An observer is the worldline of a massive particle together with the choice of an orthonormal basis
at each , such that .
In other words, is the lift to the orthonormal frame bundle of a smooth curve in (with conditions...).
Related: vielbein. Postulate 3. A clocks carried by a specific observer will measure a "time" (this is indeed the definition of time)
between the two events:
start the clock , and
stop the clock .
It is called the proper time or the eigentime.
Postulate 4. Let be an observer and be a massive particle worldline, that is parameterized such that everywhere along . Suppose the observer and the particle meet at some , i.e. . This observer measures the 3-velocity (or spatial velocity) of this particle as
where is the component of the so-called dual basis of .
Relation to Lorentz transformations
Lorentz transformations emerge as follows. Consider two observers and with . We have two basis and for the same tangent space , so we can consider a matrix for the change of basis:
But since both basis are orthonormal, . Lorentz transformations relate the frames of any two observers at the same point of spacetime.