Orthogonal and special orthogonal groups


The notation SO(n,m) refers to the special orthogonal group of matrices that leave invariant a non-degenerate quadratic form of signature (n,m) on a real vector space. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

  1. Orthogonal Group: The orthogonal group, denoted as O(n,m), consists of all (n+m)×(n+m) real matrices A such that

where AT is the transpose of A and g is a diagonal matrix with n entries of +1 and m entries of -1. These matrices preserve the quadratic form given by g.

  1. Special Orthogonal Group: The special orthogonal group SO(n,m) is the subgroup of O(n,m) that consists of matrices with determinant +1. In other words, these are the "volume-preserving" orthogonal transformations.

For SO(n) (or SO(n,0)), which is a common special case, the quadratic form is the standard dot product in Rn, and the group consists of n×n orthogonal matrixs with determinant +1.

The case O(1,3) is Lorentz group.

Lie algebra

According to Exercise 40 in @baez1994gauge page 188:
Let g be a metric of signature (p,q) on Rn, where p+q=n. Show that the Lie algebra so(p,q) of SO(p,q) consists of all n×n real matrices T with g(Tv,w)=g(v,Tw) for all v,wRn. Show that the dimension of so(p,q), and hence that of SO(p,q), is n(n1)2.
Determine an explicit basis of the Lorentz Lie algebra, so(1,3).

It is supposed to be done with the techniques of orthogonal matrix#The Lie algebra.