Parallel transport

Before all, see relationship parallel transport, covariant derivatives and metrics.

Intuitive approach

The following intuitions are about the transport corresponding to an existent metric in a surface (inherited or not from that of R3), that is, the Levi-Civita parallel transport.

Extrinsic construction

Suppose the metric has a surface inherited from that of R3. To parallel transport a vector w along a curve K in a surface S we break K into small steps of length ϵ. In every step we translate w from one point p to the next one q, according to our knowledge of the parallelism of R3. Since the translated vector is no longer tangent to S, we project it to TqS by means of


where nq is the unit normal at q. This is only an approximation, of course.

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The given vector doesn't have to be initially tangent to the curve K. If this is the case, the parallel transported vector doesn't have to remain tangent to the curve K. This happens when the curve is a geodesic.

Another way to construct the parallel transport (@needham2021visual page 237):
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Intrinsic construction

(@needham2021visual page 283)
It takes into account parallel transport along a geodesic G (if the curve is not a geodesic, we break it down into geodesic segments). To achieve parallel transport along G, it is only necessary to keep the angle with the tangent vector of G constant (and the length).

Constancy of angles

From this last intuition can be concluded that if two vectors are parallel transported along a curve on a surface then the angle between them remains constant. That it, parallel transport preserve the angles.
Keep an eye: the parallel transport of v along a curve γ doesn't preserve the angle between v and γ˙, unless γ˙ is a parallel transported vector field, i.e., γ is a geodesic!

Covariant derivative

Still from the intuitive point of view, a defined notion of parallel transport on a surface leads to an idea of covariant derivative operator on this surface. Suppose that we know how to parallel transport vectors along curves, and fixed a curve K with tangent vector v at p=K(0), denote by ξ(qp) the parallel transport of ξTqS to TpS, then, for a vector field w on the surface, we defined


where qϵ=K(ϵ).

Conversely, this covariant derivative, if given a priori, let us recover the parallel transport. See this construction.

Formal approach

Construction from a covariant derivative operator

Suppose a manifold M with a covariant derivative operator defined on it. A vector field X on M is constant along a curve c (X is a parallelly transported vector field along c) in M if


This is well defined since covariant derivative only depends on the value at a point in the first vector field (see linear connection#Definition as operator).

If the vector field X(t) is only defined along the curve c, we consider the covariant derivative along a curve Dc. With this in mind we can say when a vector field defined along a curve c is constant along the curve: DcX=0 for every c(t).

In @malament2012topics page 57 it is also shown the following proposition
Given a manifold (M,) and a curve c on it, and a vector v at a point p=c(0), there exists a unique vector field X(t) along c that is constant along the curve and such that X(p)=v. This vector field is called the parallel transport of v along c.

Definition of parallel transport

I suppose that parallel transport can be defined in abstract, and then it must be possible to prove that it gives rise to a covariant derivative operator (the converse of the previous section). See section "covariant derivative" in parallel transport#Intuitive approach above.
