Pauli matrices

The matrices


See this.
They satisfy:

The Pauli matrices are Hermitian, and they span the space of observables of the complex two-dimensional Hilbert space. In the context of Pauli's work, σk represents the observable corresponding to spin along the kth coordinate axis in three-dimensional Euclidean space R3.

Pauli vectors

Given a vector v=(x,y,z)R3, the corresponding matrix


is called a Pauli vector. This injection


let us understand the vector space R3 as an algebra. Some of the operations have a nice geometric interpretation:


We are entering the world of Geometric Algebras.


Important facts

Relation to spinors

(See this video)
This is related, to my knowledge, with spinors S=C2, with basis sb, in the following way. Consider the dual space Sdual, with dual basis sa. Then we can think of a map σ:R3SSdual:


This map has three indices: σiba and acts on a general v=vieiR3 sending it to the element Vbasbsa, where


It can be thought as if one vector index i is equivalent to two spinorial indices a,b.