A quaternion is often represented as q = a + b i + c j + d k , where a , b , c , and d are real numbers, and i , j , and k are the fundamental quaternion units. These units have the following multiplication rules:
i 2 = j 2 = k 2 = i j k = − 1
i j = k , but j i = − k
j k = i , but k j = − i
k i = j , but i k = − j
Quaternions are often written as H . If we have an unitary quaternion u we have:
- The transformation:
\mathbb{H}& \longrightarrow & \mathbb{H}\
q & \longrightarrow & u \cdot q\
i s a n i s o m e t r y , s i n c e $ | u q − u p | = | u | ⋅ | q − p | = | q − p | $ . − T h e t r a n s f o r m a t i o n : \begin{array}{ccl}
P& \longrightarrow & P\
q & \longrightarrow & u \cdot q\cdot u^{-1}\
i s a r o t a t i o n i n t h e p u r e i m a g i n a r y q u a t e r n i o n s $ P = R i + R j + R k ≅ R 3 $ − T h e t r a n s f o r m a t i o n : \begin{array}{ccl}
\mathbb{H}& \longrightarrow & \mathbb{H}\
q & \longrightarrow & -u \cdot \bar{q}\cdot u\
i s a r e f l e c t i o n i n $ H $ a n d v i c e v e r s a . − A n y r o t a t i o n i n $ H = R 4 $ h a s t h e f o r m : \begin{array}{ccl}
\mathbb{H}& \longrightarrow & \mathbb{H}\
q & \longrightarrow & v \cdot q\cdot w\
You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode for $v, w$ unitary quaternions. Unitary quaternions are equivalent to the special unitary group SU(2) . Related: quaternions in Geometric Algebra . As Clifford algebra s: Observe that $\text{Cl}_{0,2}(\mathbb{R})$ is a four-dimensional algebra spanned by $\{1, e_1, e_2, e_1e_2\}$ which behave like quaternions. Also quaternions can be understood as the even subalgebra of $Cl(3,0)$. for $v, w$ unitary quaternions. Unitary quaternions are equivalent to the special unitary group SU(2) . Related: quaternions in Geometric Algebra . As Clifford algebra s: Observe that $\text{Cl}_{0,2}(\mathbb{R})$ is a four-dimensional algebra spanned by $\{1, e_1, e_2, e_1e_2\}$ which behave like quaternions. Also quaternions can be understood as the even subalgebra of $Cl(3,0)$.