Relativistic spacetime
It is a 4-dimensional topological manifold with a smooth atlas,
Time Orientation
The absolute time function in Newtonian spacetime associates to each
\draw[ultra thick] (0,0) .. controls (3,1) and (5,-1) .. (7,0.8);
\draw[ultra thick] (0,1.5) .. controls (3,2.5) and (5,0.5) .. (7,2.3);
\node at (7.5,0.8) {\Large{$t_1$}};
\node at (7.5,2.3) {\Large{$t_2$}};
\draw[ultra thick, blue, rotate around={10:(1,0.23)}] (-0.5,0.23) -- (2.5,0.23);
\draw[->, ultra thick, red] (1,0.23) -- (1.5, 1.5);
\node[circle, fill, inner sep=1.5pt, label={below:\Large{$p$}}] at (1,0.23) {};
\node at (0.8,1) {\color{red}\Large{$X$}};
\node at (-0.8, 0.2) {\color{blue}\Large{$dt$}};
We don't have an absolute time function for our relativistic spacetime
- timelike vectors
- spacelike vectors
- lightlike vectors
% Draw light cone
\draw[thick, dashed] (0,0) -- (3,3); % Future light cone
\draw[thick, dashed] (0,0) -- (-3,3);
\draw[thick, dashed] (0,0) -- (3,-3); % Past light cone
\draw[thick, dashed] (0,0) -- (-3,-3);
% Draw the time axis
\draw[->] (0,-3.5) -- (0,3.5) node[anchor=south] {$t$};
% Draw the space axis
\draw[->] (-3.5,0) -- (3.5,0) node[anchor=west] {$x$};
% Timelike vector (within the light cone)
\draw[->, thick, blue] (0,0) -- (1,2) node[midway, above, sloped] {Timelike vector};
% Spacelike vector (outside the light cone)
\draw[->, thick, red] (0,0) -- (2,1) node[midway, above, sloped] {Spacelike vector};
% Lightlike vector (on the light cone)
\draw[->, thick, green] (0,0) -- (1.5,1.5) node[midway, above, sloped] {Lightlike vector};
% Labels for regions
\node at (1.5,2.5) {Future Light Cone};
\node at (1.5,-2.5) {Past Light Cone};
\node at (2.5,0.5) {Spacelike Region};
So we need some other way to define what a future-directed vector field is. First, we need to restrict to Lorentzian manifolds which are oriented,
Definition (Time Orientation).
- does not vanish anywhere, and
. For the signature , the condition would be .}
It is the combination of the metric and the time orientation that allows us to define future/past/spatial directed vector fields in relativistic spacetime. The metric structure gives us a double cone structure in the tangent plane to each
\draw[draw=red, opacity=0.2, fill=red, fill opacity=0.2] (0,2) -- (-0.2,3.4) .. controls (2,4) and (3,1) .. (5,1.5) -- (4,0) .. controls (3,-0.5) and (2,3) .. (0,2);
\node at (-0.5,3.5) {\color{red}\Large{$T_p$}};
\node at (5.2,1.6) {\color{red}\Large{$T_q$}};
\node at (2.2,2.1) {\color{red}\Large{$T$}};
\draw [thick](-1,3) arc (180:0:1cm and 0.15cm);
\draw[->,ultra thick,red] (0,2) -- (-0.2,3.4);
\draw [thick](-1,3) arc (180:360:1cm and 0.15cm) -- (0,2) -- cycle;
\draw [dashed,thick](-1,1) arc (180:360:1cm and 0.15cm) -- (0,2) -- cycle;
\draw [dashed,thick](-1,1) arc (180:0:1cm and 0.15cm);
\draw [thick,rotate around={-30:(4,0)}](3.5,1.5) arc (180:0:0.5cm and 0.1cm);
\draw[->,ultra thick,red] (4,0) -- (5,1.5);
\draw [thick,rotate around={-30:(4,0)}](3.5,1.5) arc (180:360:0.5cm and 0.1cm) -- (4,0) -- cycle;
\draw [dashed,thick,rotate around={-30:(4,0)}](3.5,-1.5) arc (180:360:0.5cm and 0.1cm) -- (4,0) -- cycle;
\draw [dashed,thick,rotate around={-30:(4,0)}](3.5,-1.5) arc (180:0:0.5cm and 0.1cm);
\node[circle, fill, inner sep=1.5pt, label={left:\Large{$p \,\,$}}] at (0,2) {};
\node[circle, fill, inner sep=1.5pt, label={right:\Large{$q$}}] at (4,0) {};
Note: We shall now simply refer to relativistic spacetime as just spacetime.
Stationary spacetime
Definition (Stationary Spacetime). A spacetime
Claim A stationary spacetime is one where we can find a chart such that the components of the metric do not depend on time.
Proof. Recall a vector field is Killing if
Now imagine we pick a chart such that
which is the statement that the metric components are time-independent in this chart. □