Riemann normal coordinates

Riemann manifolds

Also known as Gaussian normal coordinates.
It is possible, at least in Riemannian manifolds with the Levi-Civita connection (I'm not sure if this is more general), to find local coordinate systems for every point P, such that the coordinates curves are geodesics. This is done thanks to the exponential map for Riemannian manifolds. In general relativity it corresponds to choosing a local inertial frame (the observer moves along a geodesic...).

In this coordinate system, called Riemann normal coordinates, the Christoffel symbols are all null, and the Riemannian metric tensor corresponds to the identity matrix (keep an eye: only in P).

This can be extended to a neighborhood if and only if the manifold is flat. See Schuller GR-Parallel transport and curvature.

Related: geodesic polar coordinates.

Manifolds with an affine connection

Schuller GR-connections.
Let (M,O,A,) be an arbitrary affine manifold and let pM. Then one can construct a chart (U,x)A with pU such that


This says that we can make the symmetric part of the Γs vanish at the point pM, not that we can necessarily make them vanish in some neighborhood of p. Most connections are symmetric (torsion-free), so we can "flatten the connection" in a particular point...

Proof. Let (V,y)A be any chart with pV. Thus, in general, the Γ(y)(jk)i0. Then consider a new chart (U,x) to which one transits by virtue of




Taking into account the expression for the change of chart of "the gammas", we can choose, w.l.o.g., the chart (V,y) such that y(p)=(0,,0), then we have


and so we only have an antisymmetric contribution, therefore the symmetric part vanishes.