Self adjoint operator

(also self-adjoint operator or Hermitian operator)


A coordinate free expression (and an infinite dimensional generalization) of self adjoint matrixs.

I think that in finite dimensional case, their matrix with respect to an orthonormal basis is a self adjoint matrix.

By the way, observe that given an operator A, the sum or product of A with its conjugate transpose A is a Hermitian operator (easily checked by computation).

There is a version of spectral theorem for these operators.
One important property of such operators is that the eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator are necessarily real. Indeed, if k is any eigenvalue with corresponding (normalized) eigenvector v, we see


showing that k is real.

If we have a basis of eigenvectors we can construct the associated resolution of identity.

In Quantum Mechanics

They correspond to observables in Quantum Mechanics.
If we multiply them by the complex unit i we obtain antiHermitian operators, which constitute the "Lie algebra" of the "group" of unitary operators. That is, given a self-adjoint operator A in a Hilbert space then eiA is an unitary operator. In fact, its Hermitian adjoint is eiA=eiA because A is Hermitian (A=A). Now, we compute eiAeiA and eiAeiA:


where we use the fact that [A,A]=0.